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678-797-1040 or 678-332-6905
Tax Preparation
Individual Tax Preparation
Present Year Tax Return
With expertise in the airline industry we will ensure that you receive the largest refund possible. We can complete both your federal and state tax returns no matter what state you reside.
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Pilots Organizer
Flight Attendant Organizer
Standard Organizer
Prior Years Unfiled Tax Return
Do you have returns that you have not filed with the IRS? We can help! We can go back 10 years and help you straighten out unfiled tax returns with the IRS!
Prior Year organizer
Amended Tax Returns
If your previous years' tax return returns were not prepared by someone specializing in airline taxation you may be able to claim an additional refund for those years. We can amend your previous years' tax returns to capture the pilot deductions that may have been overlooked resulting in an increased refund due.
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Rental Real Estate Tax Preparation
if you own investment or rental property, we can help you with deductions, depreciation, and getting your biggest possible refund. We are experts in preparing Schedule E required for rental property on your individual income tax return. In addition to preparing a Schedule E, real estate investors have a number of issues that need attention to reduce income tax liabilities. Our tax professionals know how to solve these problems.
Download Rental Real Estate Worksheet
Small Business Tax Preparation
Knowing all allowable small business tax deductions is no easy task. Utilizing these deductions can make the most of your business expenditures into tax cuts that can save your bottom line. We can help you watch out for your business by looking for deductions that you may have missed. If you have a home business or small business requiring a Schedule C on your individual income tax return we can prepare it.
Download Small Business Worksheet
Business Tax Preparation
We can prepare business tax return which include Partnership Form 1065, S-Corporations Form 1120S, and Corporation Form 1120 Tax Returns. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a relatively new business structure allowed by state statute and is usually taxed as a Partnership, S-Corporation, or Corporation.
Foreign Tax Preparation
Even if you prepared your own taxes when you lived in the US you should really consider hiring an expat tax expert while you are living abroad. Expatriate tax return is significantly more complicated than a normal U.S. tax return. As an individual, (i.e. not a business or charity) you will need to file a Form 1040 and the associated schedules, much the same way you did in the US. In addition you may qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, the Foreign Housing Deduction or the Foreign Housing Exclusion in which case you would have to file the appropriate forms as they have a number of advantages and can save you a significant amount of money. We are experts in U.S. tax preparation for Americans living abroad.
Consulting and Tax Services
Business Start Up Consulting
Choosing the proper business entity is one of the first challenges that confront the entrepreneur. Although LLCs have become a popular choice, it is not always the right choice. One of the reason’s business owners can build wealth faster than employees, is because they get to play by different rules. When you incorporate your business, you can take advantage of a large set of tax breaks, cash flow tricks, and risk avoidance that you would otherwise be missing out on without it. But what business entity is the right one? LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp, or Limited Partnership, we cover all the benefits of each, the tax ramifications, and how to save money doing it all. We can explain the differences, from both a corporate and tax perspective, between the different business forms that a company can adopt - and why one form may be appropriate for one company, but not another.
Divorce and Tax Consulting
Divorce is far and away one of the most stressful ordeals two people can go through. Once a couple decides to part ways, many things come to mind: whether to sell the house, where the kids will go, who will take the pets, for instance. With such emotionally weighty matters at hand, tax concerns are often the last of each person’s concerns. Yet ignoring the tax implications of divorce to adequately plan for life as a divorced taxpayer can get you into hot water with the IRS. It is important to call your tax advisor BEFORE the divorce is final to consider the tax implications and possible planning options especially if your marital assets include a business, home, pension benefits or investments in flow thru entities such as S corporations, partnerships and LLCs
When you purchase property and rent it out, you’re essentially running a business. You receive rental income and incur expenses from the property. If you own investment or rental property, Aircrew Taxes will help you with deductions, depreciation, and getting your biggest possible refund.
IRS Problems
If you owe back taxes to the IRS, it is almost certain that you have received certified letters. Unfortunately, the threatening IRS collection letters are only the beginning of an IRS tax problem. When IRS problems get this far, you probably need tax help. We can help you settle your back taxes, release your levy, save your home or business and end any other IRS tax problem.
State Residency Issues
Each state has its own rules about whom it considers a resident and who is required to file a state tax return. Residency is the area that creates the most problems in doing not only the home state return but the returns of other states. If all states would treat residency the same, it would be easy, but they don’t! We can help you deal with your state residency issues.

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Aircrew Taxes
We're The Best In The Business!
At Aircrew Taxes we prepare tax returns for clients in the airline industry. We also provide tax planning and tax strategies for our clients. |